Thursday, July 23, 2009


today when i checked to the SPA web i saw that one of the attraction tittle for me which is PEPERIKSAAN Pegawai Tadbir & Diplomatik. before this my sis has been sms me that i'd reveiced a letter for sitting the PTD exam.just for a confirmation i try to double check for it and yuppp..i was calling for 2nd examination for PTD post..PTD or we call it pegawai tadbir & diplomatik.. sound is very good and exclusive but to get and sit for that post is not easy as what we're said. based on my experiece which on february 2009 if im not mistaken i'd sat for the 1st time exam in Sek. Keb. Labuan. it's seem like ujian 14 jawatan which is consist of bahagian A, B, C, D and E and the difficult part for me to answer is KETATANEGARAAN. since i never read any books regarding to the ketatanegaraan and have no reference i just came & sat for answering the question..and for math part, i believe i can answer the question however the question is to long sumtime thus asking me to understand what the question is and surely the question given are very tricky..sumtime i dont believe that the time remaining for me to answer is 10 minutes but the question answered done is not more than as usual..i just use my schooling tactic that we call 'tembak jer' as long as i mark the answer...before that i never forget to say bismillahirrahmanirrahim because it might be the God will help us on that time..

so now, i dont knoe what to do..just looking on the internet and books sumtime to get know lil bit about the tips of PTD exam..eventho there are lot of cnadidates will be come & sit for this exam i just hope that i can do the best...May Allah bless me and help me in order to achieve my dreams...insyaAllah....for those who's taking this exam i wish all the best to u all and do the best a s well....

Sunday, July 5, 2009

Selamat Kembali Ke rahmatullah Ayahda

tanggal 27 june, 2009 bersamaan 4 Rejab, 1430 Hijrah, ayahda tercinta telah kembali ke rahmatullah detik jam 2:12 pg..saat itu, itulah kenikmatan, itulah kesedihan, itulah harapan, itulah doa, itulah kejujuran, itulah keihlasan, itulah pengorbanan, itulah air mata, itulah keredhaan, itulah pasran dan itulah kemanisan dalam hidup ku..perginya ayah membawa bersama ketenangan dan doa dari anak2 mu....

aku disaat itu hanya mampu melafzkan kalimah lailahaillalla...lafazkan dua kalimah syahadah d telinga arwah ayah sambil ku pegang erat tanganya...abg nong di sisi telinga kiri, mong d atas kepala bersama abg mad, deng rusuk kiri, abg edy rusuk kiri, mama sebelah aku bersama mak usu, kak mas kaki bersama epend dan kazen2 kak lah, kak milah n abg seli turut memandang dgn deraian air mata...kak nana, tabahkan hati mu kerana di kala ayahda menghembuskan nafas terakhir kakak tiada di sisi...

saat itu..hanya satu pintaku pada Allah...jika hidup itu adalah lebih baik utk ayah...kau ambilla dia..sesungguhnya kmi mengizinkan dan redha dgn pemergiaannya...air mata dan deraian tiada lagi tertahan..

terima kasih kerana didikan, doa, pengorbanan mu slama mendidik dan membesarkan kami..sesungguhnya kami amat menyayangi mu...semoga roh mu ditempatkan di kalangan orang2 yg beriman..amin ya robbal alamin...


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